Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"My Baby"

When I was three years old, my life changed forever. Whether that was a good or bad change was not initially obvious. I don't remember much from when my sister was born, except that all the attention I had been reaping suddenly dried up, died, and blew away. I was suddenly not the only child in my parent's life, which can be a very traumatic experience for a young kid. Regardless of the fact that she was stealing my limelight, I quickly grew into the over-protective brother. As in as soon as we got her home. My father was giving Rachel her first bath in the kitchen sink, and I was walking around the house bawling and screaming "don't hurt my baby!!" Ever since that start, my sister and I have had a fantastic relationship filled with mutual love and respect. Ha ha. Let's be honest, sibling relationships are something that cannot be described to those who have not experienced it. I have liked my sister, been annoyed with her, helped her, sabotaged her, hugged her, wrestled with her (heads up to any guy who wants to date her in the future: she knows how to fight, and she doesn't fight fair), and even downright wanted to disown her. (okay that may be a little harsh..) Before my junior year I didn't have what I would call a solid relationship with my sister. I mean I knew she existed, but she was just that other person living in our house. At some point during junior year, I realized that she and I actually had some things in common. (She will beg to differ, but I still think we are more alike then she realizes) For example, we both liked sports. She is much better than I ever was but we could talk basketball and I could hold a fairly intelligent conversation with her about their new play or the latest drill they were doing. I also realized that I was leaving, and that as much as she says she can't wait to get rid of me I believe/hope that she is going to miss me because I realized that I am going to miss her. (Rachel, if you are reading this you are probably rolling your eyes but I do mean this stuff) As my senior comes to a close, I hope I can continue a good sibling relationship with Rachel after high school. (Sibling relationship is defined as the love/hate thing all siblings have) Rach, I think you are a pretty cool kid and it's been awesome seeing you improve athletically. I can't wait to see where you go in high school and after and I hope we stay in touch after I graduate!

One of the few pictures of us both Rachel and I like. Minus the
vacuum cleaner photo bombing in the background.
P.S. Again, to any guys who are interested in dating her just know that at the Naval Academy all freshman are required to take wrestling and boxing and I'm always looking for punching bags, I mean sparing partners.

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